Business Income Tax Calculator

In New Zealand, all businesses pay income tax based on their profits, which is their total income for a period minus their total expenses for the same period. The IRD tax period in New Zealand runs from April 1st to March 31st each year, so this is the default payment period. This calculator assists with calculating the business income tax for the following IRD identified entities - Standard company (most companies), Māori authorities, Non-profit organisations registered and incorporated under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908, Trusts and trustees - the initial amount of money put into a trust, Trusts and trustees - any income the trust earns, Self-employed, and Unincorporated organisations. To use this business income tax calculator simply select which type of business you want to calculate the income tax for using the drop-down, enter in the business profit for the period, and the tool will calculate the tax rate and the income tax payable.


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